
How to Make Mayonnaise from Scratch

Every serious cooking enthusiast should try this at least once. It's enlightening and actually more delicious than you can imagine. Do it every day and soon you'll have forearms like Popeye.

What you'll need is six egg yolks (figure out what to with the whites later- how about passion fruit sorbet?), a half-sized decanter of good olive oil, a tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, a half-teaspoon of salt, and a good, solid whisk. Now, you could of course cheat and use a blender- which is after all perfectly acceptable in preparing mayonnaise for a meal- but what we're after here is the ritual, a sort of rite of passage into the world of cooking. It's also fun- like hand made ice cream (although I don't suggest you take turns making mayonnaise; that would rather be like taking turns meditating).

The first thing you will do is choose your bowl; it should large, fit nicely in your lap, and be relatively shallow. Mine is glass. Separate your yolks, and once they're in the bowl, start whisking away. Once this commitment has been made, there is no turning back until the yolks have changed color to lemon yellow. And if they have a turned a bit yellow but are not yet lemon yellow, you are not done. Feel free to switch arms- by the time you're through both arms will be tired. Once you've achieved whisking the yolks into yellow, you'll know it. How long it will take will depend on your strength and stamina.

Once achieving the subduing of the yolks, the worst part is over. After that it is simply a matter of drizzling in olive oil a few streams at a time and whisking them in until you have before you, well, a batch of mayonnaise. And yes, even though the yolks started out lemon yellow in color and olive oil is, well, pale olive green, it all somehow, by the laws of physics or alchemy, ends up white. Add the salt and lemon juice and it's ready to use. After going through all that, I like to just eat it plain on a nice crusty French bread. Bon appetite.

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Mayonnaise Suppliers said...

Thanks for sharing such useful post in which you describe that how to Make Mayonnaise from Scratch. Thank you so much for sharing such awesome post.

Mobile App Developers Delhi said...

Gr8…Keep it up!!!!

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